Your Creator cares

JESUS is in every breathe, heartbeat, tear, and silent cry. HE literally FEELS everything that you feel. HE hurts when YOU hurt. Do you think HE has created you for vain? That you’re unworthy? That you don’t fill any role in this life and that you don’t matter? That’s a lie. Satan is a liar. You ARE created from a heart that loves you, cares about you, and constantly thinks about you. You DO matter and you DO have a role in GOD’s kingdom of pure love and truth. You DO have a purpose and your existence is not in vain. Do you know that you hold a very special and unique place in GOD’s heart that NO one else can take away from you? Do you know that GOD cares about every little detail of your life and everything that’s upon your heart daily? Do you know that JESUS, THE CREATOR, has created you to be HIS faithful friend who walks in HIS perfect law/heart and defends what is right? Do you know that HE has been with you every time that your heart broke and you wept thinking that nobody knows what you’re going through and that nobody knew what it felt like? Do you know that GOD CARES? If you seek HIM diligently with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength HE WILL come out of hiding for you. HE will teach you to walk in HIS upright ways and to do the right thing. HE will deliver you from this wicked world and give you hope and strength to live the life that HE created you to live. HE will be that friend that sticks closer than a brother and the one who never leaves nor forsakes you if you continue seeking and clinging to HIM. YOU CAN meet your Creator in this lifetime and have an intimate relationship with HIM daily in spirit and in truth. HE loves you with an everlasting love, a love that this world cannot give, a love that loves you enough to speak the words that have power to save your soul. JESUS is LOVE. Seek HIM.
You will NOT regret it!♥
